How to Get Rid of Midges: Essential Tips for UK Campers

Midges, particularly prevalent in certain parts of the UK, can be a significant nuisance for campers.

These tiny insects, known for their irritating bites, are common in damp and humid areas, especially during the warmer months.

This article provides practical advice on how to effectively deal with midges, ensuring a more enjoyable camping experience.

Understanding Midges

Midges thrive in damp, humid conditions, often found near water bodies and dense vegetation.

They are most active during dusk and dawn.

Knowing their habitat and behaviour is crucial in avoiding them.

Choosing the Right Campsite

Select a campsite away from stagnant water and dense foliage.

Midges are less prevalent in breezy, open areas.

Camping at higher elevations or in more exposed locations can significantly reduce midge encounters.

Appropriate Clothing

Wearing long-sleeved shirts and trousers is an effective way to prevent midge bites.

Opt for light-coloured clothing as midges are attracted to dark colours.

Treating your clothing with insect repellent can provide additional protection.

Using Insect Repellents

Insect repellents are vital in combating midges.

Products containing Icaridin or Citriodiol are effective against midges.

DEET, while potent, is often unnecessary in the UK.

Natural alternatives like Avon Skin So Soft, known for its efficacy against midges, can also be used.

Physical Barriers

Mesh nets and head nets provide physical barriers against midges.

Use them especially during peak activity times like early mornings and evenings.

Ensure your tent has a fine mesh to keep midges out.

Campfire and Smoke

Smoke is a natural deterrent for midges.

If permitted, a campfire can help keep them at bay.

Burning sage or citronella can enhance the repellent effect of the smoke.

Avoid Attracting Midges

Refrain from using perfumed products as they can attract midges.

Be mindful of your body heat and carbon dioxide output, particularly during peak midge activity times.

Dealing with Bites

If bitten, avoid scratching to prevent infection.

Use antihistamine creams to alleviate itching.

Keeping a cool head and not panicking when swarmed by midges can also help manage the situation better.


Dealing with midges requires a combination of preventive measures and the right camping gear.

By following these tips, campers in the UK can significantly reduce the nuisance caused by midges and enjoy their outdoor adventures.

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