Over the coming months and years, the online outdoor store The Expert Camper has pledged to plant thousands of trees in a bid to reduce their carbon footprint.
The latest part of this journey for the camping company is to partner with Just One Earth – who are a sustainable non-profit company dedicated to planting trees to reduce the carbon in our atmosphere.
They will plant a tree for every order they receive, as well as one for every review they get from their customers – this means that up to two trees will be planted for every purchase.
Passionate about nature and camping
The Expert Camper’s new partnership with Just One Planet, planting trees to protect our planet, isn’t the first eco-conscious initiative the company has taken. In fact, since it was founded, The Expert Camper has always tried to keep the planet at the heart of every action taken. For example, in the past The Expert Camper has significantly reduced the number of deliveries made as well as reducing the amount of cardboard packaging waste produced.
Being a family-run business, The Expert Camper understands that it’s vital we all do our bit to protect our precious planet for future generations. This is why the team there constantly strive to think of new ways to be eco-friendly while still making money as a small business.
Louise on of the founders of The Expert Camper said: “We have three young children, and we care about what type of planet we will leave for them and their children, so are always looking at more ways to be more environmentally friendly. So, I am pleased to launch this partnership with Just One Earth. This isn’t just about doing the right thing because we have to – it’s because we passionately believe it’s the right thing, we have just been looking for the right partner to work with.”
The Expert Camper has lots of blog articles about enjoying nature and being eco-friendly on its website (for example, “Eco Attractions for a Weekend Get Away”), so be sure to check those out for green tips and tricks!
Passionate about the planet
Just One Earth is an eco-conscious organisation that is working hard to protect our precious planet, planting one tree for every £1 donated to the cause. Trees are the lungs of our planet, absorbing harmful CO2 from the atmosphere and emitting precious oxygen through photosynthesis. In fact, every single tree has the potential to absorb up to 48lbs of CO2 from the atmosphere every year!
Of course, trees are not only vital for absorbing CO2 – they also provide vital habitats and food resources for the world’s wildlife populations. So, by planting trees and forests, we as humans can try to encourage more biodiversity that has been lost through deforestation up to this point.
Just One Earth is on a mission to plant entire forests through generous donations, which will make go a long way towards reversing the damage we are doing to our planet through constant CO2 emissions.
Just One Earth founder, Andy, was keen to stress that planting trees, though a truly admirable and excellent strategy to protect the planet, is not a quick-fix solution to all of the planet’s problems. He said: “Just One Earth was founded as a way to make it easier for companies both big and small to reduce their carbon footprint. Planting trees isn’t the answer, companies need to reduce their carbon footprint but planting trees can be part of the solution. We are incredibly proud that The Expert Camper has decided to partner with us.”
You can read more about how to lead a greener lifestyle on Just One Earth’s blog on their website.
More information
To discover more about The Expert Camper, head on over to the website at https://theexpertcamper.co.uk. For inquiries, you can contact the team by emailing [email protected].
For more information on Just One Earth, please visit their website at https://justoneearth.co.uk/.

Charlie Birch started working for The Camping Fire in 2021. Charlie grew up in a small town in Yorkshire where she fell in love with the outdoors. Before joining The Camping Fire, Charlie briefly worked as a freelance journalist for several local radio stations. She covers business news and camping.